Connect Home Insurance offers a range of cover options designed to meet your specific needs, whether you are an owner-occupier, a tenant renting, a landlord letting, or an owner of a holiday home.
You can insure a home of up to €750,000 rebuilding cost and up to €150,000 of new for old contents with the option to specify items in excess of €4,000 so you can ensure your contents are covered in the event of a loss. The total maximum amount we’ll insure is €900,000 for Buildings, Contents and All Risks cover for your personal possessions anywhere in the world.
We will also pay up to 20% of the Sum Insured for Buildings for alternative accommodation (if your home becomes uninhabitable due to an insured event) provided you’re the owner – occupier, and if you’re letting to tenants, we’ll pay up to 20% of the Buildings Sum insured to compensate you for the loss of rent.
If your property is your full-time home, we also offer €3,000 All Risks for free, and you can increase this amount up to €50,000. Each item is limited to €1,000 unless you specify it.
Connect Home Insurance includes Emergency Home Assistance (provided you are permanently resident in the home we insure) as a standard cover in the event of an emergency in your home.
There are many other Buildings and Contents covers and benefits such as cover to trace a leak, cover for freezer contents if your freezer breaks down and cover to pay for fire brigade call outs. A full summary of the benefits is available to you by selecting the “Benefit Sheet” option to the right of this page, this will assist you in finding the insurance package that best meets your needs.
Public Liability is also included, with a limit of €2,500,000, protecting you against legal liability for any injuries to third parties on your property, or €1,500,000 for your liability to any employees such as au pairs and casual tradespeople.
Connect Home Product is focused on providing comprehensive coverage for properties built post-1920 with modern electrics and plumbing, has a maximum of 50% non-standard roofing material and is of a modest size and normal construction.
Our Connect Home product offering is exclusively available through regulated Insurance Intermediaries.